Friday, August 17, 2007

Shameless plug for Threadless on Squidoo

I'm a big Threadless fan, I own enough t-shirts from them that I think I can last weeks without doing laundry (that's not why I buy their t-shirts! ;)

Threadless's community design and vote on the tees that get made into production, it has fans/designers from around the world contributing. Even more exciting, they're opening a physical store in Chicago on 9/10/07, mmmm.... guess who will show up on opening day?

Threadless Co-founder Jacob has a Threadless lens on Squidoo, do check it out! It's also mentioned in the Chicago Gems lens too!

Discover the Artistic you

I came upon a Squidoo Arts group made by Makingamark. The group included all the lenses she had created on the topic of art, painting, painting utentils, garden art, botanical art, egg tempera. It's got loads of helpful information for beginners, hobbyist or masters.

And if you're looking for even more Arts-related lens on Squidoo, check out this Visual Arts Group. Go ahead, you maybe the next Picasso (dream big!).

Squidmercial!! Squidmercial!! Who wants to be in the Squidmercial??

Lights! Camera! Action!

Yes, it's Squidmercial-making time! One of the most anticipated event on Squidoo!

You've seen all the lensmasters' great works on building lenses on their passions, now the opportunity is here for the lensmasters to make a personal appearance on the Squidmercial! Can we say "AWESOME"?

For all things Squidmercial, go here!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Put Zucchini on your grocery list

Did you know that August 8th is “Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day”? That’s right! Imagine the joys and surprise your neighbor will get from the mysterious zucchini, there’s simply nothing like it! To find out more about Zucchini, take a look at the Zucchini lens on Squidoo. It's Zucchini-licious!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Find your long-lost family on Squidoo

It's really fascinating how Squidoo is used in so many different manners by lensmasters. If you happened to be looking for a long lost family member to help complete your family tree, why wouldn't you start your efforts on Squidoo? That's what JaguarJulie did on her lenses - one for the name Vereczki and another one for the name Nagy. She spent loads of efforts on her lenses including searching the Hungarian telephone directory for people with the surname of Vereczki. And the Nagy lens has very detailed information on each member on the family tree. Such dedication on a lens really shows how important her family's genealogy is important to her. And guess what, it works, someone with the last name Vereczki did contact her after seeing the lens!

Do you have a lens on your family and its ancestors? Here's a Genealogy-how-to lens to get you started on your research.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Experience Zen

We all could use some Zen at times. Our days are always filled with "tasks", "to-dos", "action-items". at some point, we should all pause for a little bit, take a deep breath, zone out the noise and spend some time with....a bonsai.

Indeed, growing and maintaining a Bonsai is almost an artform of its own, but one which the act of maintenance and subsequent enjoyment can lead to a peaceful Zen experience. If you're a newbie at Bonsai, fear not, check out Growing Bonsai Trees, a Squidoo lens that provide some very helpful information to start you off and has some very good background information on history of Bonsai.

I'm ready for some Zen moments, how about you?

"The Most Beautiful Woman In The World"

Few legitimate actresses have as many tabloid-worthy stories as Elizabeth Taylor. If you're looking for drama, look no further than Elizabeth Taylor - in movies and in real-life. While I know that she's very famous, and frequently known as "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World", I didn't know all the titillating details. If you want to know more about this larger-than-life drama queen, do check out this Squidoo lens on her.

Monday, July 30, 2007

V for Voodoo

I'm a pretty open minded person, but if you say "voodoo", it's easy for me to have that *one* mental picture of a poorly-wrapped doll-ish figure made with hay, with pins stuck to its general head area. I blame that on one too many horror movies during high school years.

Out of curiosity, I did a search on Squidoo for voodoo. I was quite intrigued when I saw a Squidoo lens on how to make a voodoo doll. Can we say "voodoo doll de-mystified"?! Now that I know what a proper voodoo doll really looks like (and it is apparently quite different that what I conjure up mentally!), I wonder what other paranormal lens are there on Squidoo?

Pa rum pum pum pum

Nope, not Christmas in July, just happen to see that there's a whole series of lessons (8 of them in all) that teach you about drums and drumming! Very cool! It's like little steps that guide you along without being overwhelming. Wonder if there are other lessons series on Squidoo?? Until then, check out Drums and Drumming!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hope machine

Hope is a powerful emotion. With hope, you can battle thousand dragons; without hope, the thousand dragons will eat you alive.

Now, imagine if you can give someone hope, this powerful source of strenght, that will help them see that there is a way out of their situations. Obviously we're not talking about false hope, but hope that comes from human kindness and understanding; Hope that will change the giver and the receiver. That's what I thought about when I read A day of hope.
Hope propagates. Propagate hope.


Ah... summertime, sun is out, weather is warm, people like to talk about summer activities like road trip, BBQ, and sometimes, they like to talk about camping.

Perhaps it's because I grew up in a concrete jungle where you have to travel substantial distance to see a patch of green, perhaps it's my previous camping experiences that were plagued by thunderstorms, torrential rains, bear attacks (ok, giant mosquitos attack)... what I'm getting at is, I'm no fan of camping. I tried to immerse myself and be one with nature, but nature and I have come to terms that I can best appreciate it by recycling and consuming in an earth-friendly fashion.

This is why when I read Camping in Luxury (iPods allowed), I can't help but wonder, "have I turned my back to camping too soon, maybe I should give it another go?". Afterall, August is around the corner, could a camping trip be in the plans? Stay tuned to find out.