Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Ah... summertime, sun is out, weather is warm, people like to talk about summer activities like road trip, BBQ, and sometimes, they like to talk about camping.

Perhaps it's because I grew up in a concrete jungle where you have to travel substantial distance to see a patch of green, perhaps it's my previous camping experiences that were plagued by thunderstorms, torrential rains, bear attacks (ok, giant mosquitos attack)... what I'm getting at is, I'm no fan of camping. I tried to immerse myself and be one with nature, but nature and I have come to terms that I can best appreciate it by recycling and consuming in an earth-friendly fashion.

This is why when I read Camping in Luxury (iPods allowed), I can't help but wonder, "have I turned my back to camping too soon, maybe I should give it another go?". Afterall, August is around the corner, could a camping trip be in the plans? Stay tuned to find out.

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