Monday, July 30, 2007

V for Voodoo

I'm a pretty open minded person, but if you say "voodoo", it's easy for me to have that *one* mental picture of a poorly-wrapped doll-ish figure made with hay, with pins stuck to its general head area. I blame that on one too many horror movies during high school years.

Out of curiosity, I did a search on Squidoo for voodoo. I was quite intrigued when I saw a Squidoo lens on how to make a voodoo doll. Can we say "voodoo doll de-mystified"?! Now that I know what a proper voodoo doll really looks like (and it is apparently quite different that what I conjure up mentally!), I wonder what other paranormal lens are there on Squidoo?

1 comment:

Dr. Augustus Dayafter said...

Here's a paranormal lens :)